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Week 5 - Racial Prejudice
Week 5 Part 1, Structural Racism Framework: Introduction
Racial/Ethnic Prejudice & Discrimination: Crash Course Sociology #35
Week 5 Part 4, Structural Racism Framework: Conclusion
Prejudice and Discrimination: Crash Course Psychology #39
Week 5 - What is Implicit and Explicit Bias? How are They Different?
Week 5: Racism, Microaggressions and White Privilege
KENS 5 team members share experiences of racism, bias, prejudice on solutions journey
Week 5: What is Racism Quiz video submission
Racism Explained: When Racial Prejudice is Learned & How to Unlearn It | BRAIN SNACKS 🧠🧁
Week 5 Clip 2 Summer of #JusticeAndRacialHealing
Week 5 Video Racial Formations